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81Dojo Club | Tsuki-no Hana

Club name: Tsuki-no Hana

Owner:  danseur (1120) ☗1☗2☗5

Club level: 

Members: 6 players (Average rating: 1090.25)

Club Forum

Only club members can see the club forum.


Welcome! This club was created with the vision of fostering a healthy and gratifying Shogi experience among English-speakers. Whether you enjoy Shogi as a hobby/are serious about it, you're welcome to indulge! (Beginners are especially encouraged to join)

- There will be monthly tournaments for club members.
- Study of various jouseki (both Swinging and Static Rook) is encouraged on the club's forum.
- Members will post their most thought-provoking games for others to analyze and provide general tips.

As a novice myself, I will analyze novice games in popular tournaments such as 'Tourney To Jouzu' (Shogi Harbour).

Please participate in the club's forum and tournaments as much as you can. Thank you.

Member list:

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at