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Sente: perthian (1442) Icon mail on
Gote: Takehiro_OHIRA (5000) Icon mail off
Game started at: 2022-08-06 10:58:41 UTC
Game rule: 2-piece HC, 20 min + 30 sec

Comments for this game

1: ramalam (1027) 2022-08-31 12:20

Great game perthian . I think you may have missed a mate ?

2: perthian (1442) 2022-08-31 14:41

Yes, Ohira-sensei showed me a couple of places where I could have mated after the game, but too hard for me to see with no time left. Was an awesome experience to see him immediately pinpoint where I could have won, professionals are a whole different level. 

3: gorochan (1585) 2022-09-01 12:26

Hello Mr,Ramalam
My comments are below.
 Move 54,34Pawn ,Why don't you play it? 55pawn ,33 pawn(tokin), Keima and 34 silver .
 Then  if you played 56 Pawn ,you would win this game.
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