FIPS Marine day cup

All game records in the tournament

2017-07-17 21:14Satomi● - ○DoujouyaburiKifuGame
2017-07-17 10:40Doujouyaburi● - ○icecreamKifuGame
2017-07-17 10:34hatoyaman○ - ●tomocchiKifuGame
2017-07-17 10:02hatoyaman○ - ●DoujouyaburiKifuGame
2017-07-17 09:52lemontea1990● - ○icecreamKifuGame
2017-07-17 09:51kogenta● - ○icecreamKifuGame
2017-07-17 09:47kogenta● - ○lemontea1990KifuGame
2017-07-17 09:02icecream○ - ●hatoyamanKifuGame
2017-07-17 08:23hatoyaman○ - ●SatomiKifuGame
2017-07-16 22:20lemontea1990○ - ●hatoyamanKifuGame
2017-07-16 21:23kogenta● - ○hatoyamanKifuGame
2017-07-16 16:04lemontea1990○ - ●SatomiKifuGame

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