先手: 789789 (2012) Icon mail on
後手: DemonikOu (2024) ☗12☗8☗7Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2017-04-04 05:16:10 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 5分 + 30秒


1: DemonikOu (2024) ☗12☗8☗72017-04-19 14:37

Rules: 		5-30, Rated
Strategy:		R58 Aifuribisha
Result:		Victory

9:  ☗銀‐46 perhaps too early. It reduces Sente's options.
17: This attack doesn't work well.
30: (A) ☖歩*36 forcing ☗桂25 followed by ☖歩‐44 ~ ☖歩‐45 was better.
42: (A) ☖香*44 【★★】
45: (A) ☗金x36 【×】
47: (A) ☗銀‐28 ☖香‐18+ ☗銀‐39 【×】 And Gote's 香 doesn't achieve Sabaki.
49: Questionable move.
58: (A) ☖歩‐37+ ☗桂x34 ☖銀*48 followed by ☖とx47
59: ☗香*86 was safer for Sente.
72: (A) ☖角*39 ~ ☖角x17+ 【★★★】 I missed the 金 was floating.
80: (A) ☖歩‐37+ was much faster.
81: (A) ☗桂*75 ☖銀*74 ☗桂x83+ ☖銀x ☗飛x+ ☖玉x ☗歩*84
   Similar line as in actual game but trading a 桂 for a 銀.
92: 【詰み】

★★★ I am winning
★★ It is pretty good for me
★ It is a little good for me, but not easy yet
互角 equal
× It is bad for me, but I still have chances
×× It is pretty bad for me
××× I am losing
