先手: DemonikOu (2006) ☗12☗8☗7Icon mail off
後手: nyoro (1884) Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2017-04-05 05:19:54 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒


1: DemonikOu (2006) ☗12☗8☗72017-04-19 16:43

Rules: 		15-60, Rated
Strategy:		Ishida Aifuribisha
Result:		Victory

8:   Goes for Hidari Anaguma without playing ☖歩‐55!
9:   ☗角x22+ was interesting for Sente, punishing the held-☖歩‐55.
   (A) ☗角x22+ ☖銀x ☗飛‐88 Immediately going for ☗P86 ~ 85.
14: Unreasonable move.
21: (A) ☗桂‐77 Nicer move.
37: (A) ☗歩‐35 ☖銀‐25 ☗角‐37 ~ ☗歩‐26 【★★★】 Kills Gote's 銀.
51: (A) ☗桂‐77 【★★★】
   (B) ☗飛‐78 【★★★】
55: (A) ☗歩‐84 ☖角x ☗歩*88 Also interesting.
57: (A) ☗歩‐84 ☖歩x46 ☗金x ☖歩*45 ☗歩x83+ ☖歩x46 ☗とx73
    i) ☖銀*47 ☗銀x46 【★★★】
   ii) ☖金*47 ☗歩*48 【★★★】
64: (A) ☖歩*33
75: (A) ☗歩‐35 ☖銀(35)x ☗桂x ☖銀x ☗角x33+ ☖玉x ☗角*66 【★★★】
84: (A) ☖金x57 Probably Gote's best shot.

★★★ I am winning
★★ It is pretty good for me
★ It is a little good for me, but not easy yet
互角 equal
× It is bad for me, but I still have chances
×× It is pretty bad for me
××× I am losing
