先手: jin233 (1927) Icon mail on
後手: DemonikOu (2024) ☗12☗8☗7Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2017-04-05 07:56:17 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 10分 + 30秒


1: DemonikOu (2024) ☗12☗8☗72017-04-19 17:35

Rules: 		10-30, Rated
Strategy:		P14 System
Result:		Victory

6:   Allowing Sente Anaguma.
18: Intends to hold ☖歩‐64 ~ ☖銀‐63 to make up for the moves previously spent at the edge (☖歩‐14~15).
20: Gote goes for Anaguma.
34: Avoids 角's diagonal.
40: (A) ☖金‐41 ☗歩‐74 ☖角x97 ☗香x ☖角*69 【★★★】
41: Very passive move.
43: Bad decision.
52: Gote lost two moves but it's OK because ☗桂‐65 is no longer possible.
56: (A) ☗角x86 ☖飛x ☗飛x76! 【★★★】 attacking the 桂.
83: (A) ☗金‐39

★★★ I am winning
★★ It is pretty good for me
★ It is a little good for me, but not easy yet
互角 equal
× It is bad for me, but I still have chances
×× It is pretty bad for me
××× I am losing
