先手: DemonikOu (1992) ☗12☗8☗7Icon mail off
後手: qtarou (1916) Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2017-04-06 09:24:46 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 15分 + 60秒


1: DemonikOu (1992) ☗12☗8☗72017-04-19 18:12

Rules: 		15-60, Rated
Strategy:		Ishida Taikou
Result:		Defeat

31:  (A) ☗角*96 ☖角‐52 ☗角x74 ☖角x ☗銀75 【★★】
40:  (A) ☖金‐73  Gote shouldn't take the 歩.
53:  Nice idea. Good timing to reposition the 金.
54:  Gote goes for 玉's head.
61:  GinKanmuri was very bad idea here. Sente should stay in low formation because 26 square is very weak.
    Gote can easily establish a foothold now with ☖歩*26.
64:  Slow move.
71:  (A) ☗歩‐36 【★★】 銀 should stay on 45 to restrict 馬.
76:  Gote should have saved his 飛 before anything.
87:  This move is an overkill. Sente is left with insufficient material to attack.
    (A) ☗金*31 ☖玉‐43 ☗金x21 【★★】 threating 桂*45 & 金x11 at the same time.
    (B) ☗歩*74 ☖銀x ☗金*31 It's unclear whether Sente prefers 銀 on 63 or 74.
90:  Best defense.
97:  (A) ☗香*79 was Sente's last shot.
113: Questionable move.
136: (A) ☖桂*25 ☗銀x ☖竜x27 【詰み】
138: 【必死】

★★★ I am winning
★★ It is pretty good for me
★ It is a little good for me, but not easy yet
互角 equal
× It is bad for me, but I still have chances
×× It is pretty bad for me
××× I am losing
