先手: poulet8 (2341) Icon mail off
後手: DemonikOu (1986) ☗12☗8☗7Icon mail off
対局開始日時: 2017-04-06 17:55:22 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 5分 + 30秒


1: DemonikOu (1986) ☗12☗8☗72017-04-19 19:02

Rules: 		5-30, Rated
Strategy:		P66 Aifuribisha
Result:		Defeat

20: Gote abandons Anaguma and forms a Kin-Mino.
30: (A) ☖飛x66! ☗角x ☖角x ☗飛x ☖歩*36! 【★】
	  i) ☗飛x ☖角*45 A 飛-金 fork
	 ii) ☗銀x ☖角*55 A 飛-香 fork
	iii) ☗銀‐28 ☖角*55 A 飛-銀 fork
	 iv) ☗銀46 ☖角*28
   (B) ☖飛x66 ☗飛x ☖角x ☗角x ☖銀‐44 【★】 If Sente drops his Rook first then 飛*39 wins.
33: Aiming for ☗飛‐88.
35: (A) ☗飛‐88 【互角】
   (B) ☗銀‐75 【互角】
39: (A) ☗銀‐46
42: (A) ☖飛x37+! ☗金x ☖銀*79 ☗飛‐78 ☖銀x68+ ☗桂‐45 【★★★】
   (B) ☖飛x37+! ☗桂x ☖銀*79 ☗飛‐78 ☖銀x68+ ☗飛x ☖歩*36 【★★★】
52: (A) ☖桂*45 ☗銀‐28 ☖銀-36 【互角】 A stable attack.
62: This was a losing move because Sente can easily mate if he gets a 銀.
   (A) ☖角*79 ☗飛‐78 ☖角‐35+ 【×】 Drives 飛 away from 8th file thus stopping the attack.
   (B)☖ 角*79 ☗飛‐87 ☖歩‐74 【★】 Attacks 桂 after placing 角 on 79 to cover 46 square, thus eliminating the 玉-飛 fork.
65: 【詰めろ】
67: 【詰み】

★★★ I am winning
★★ It is pretty good for me
★ It is a little good for me, but not easy yet
互角 equal
× It is bad for me, but I still have chances
×× It is pretty bad for me
××× I am losing
