先手: Jaturawit (1497) ☗13☗2☗3Icon mail on
後手: Doujouyaburi (1517) ☗17☗2☗4Icon mail on
対局開始日時: 2017-07-10 15:42:57 +0900
ルール: 平手(R) 0分 + 30秒


1: Doujouyaburi (1517) ☗17☗2☗42017-07-10 07:26


 First of all, this  time my network connection environment was in a poor situation. Even that, your attitude was gentleman, although my network was disconnected several times, you ware waiting for me. Special thanks for you, my friend.

 About this game, from the 12nd move 32Rook on, my right side was obviously weak. So, I guess you also should have swinged your Rook to your left side in a earlier stage. 

 I sincerely hope to see you at 1Dan level or above, in a near future. Thanks! Doujouyaburi (a Japanese living in Macao, China)

2: Jaturawit (1497) ☗13☗2☗32017-07-10 08:35

