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81Dojo Club | Oslo Shogi

Club name: Oslo Shogi

Owner:  Yuuzai (1533)

Club level: 

Members: 8 players (Average rating: 1232.88)

Club Forum

Only club members can see the club forum.



This is an extension of the Oslo Shogi-klubb group on facebook. The goal is to make it easier to find people to play with. If you want to play some matches or even just get some help learning the game, feel free to ask anyone in the club here or in the groupchat on facebook! We would love to have more people get involved and playing :)

Discord group for anyone who uses that:

P.S. People in the club will have a green circle in front of their names in the user list after you log in. Double clicking on a name brings up a box with a chat button to directly message them.

Member list:

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at