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81Dojo Club | ふたりの太星 Futari no Taisei
Club name: ふたりの太星 Futari no Taisei
Owner: JamBalaya (1831) ☗4☗9☗3
Club level:
Members: 1 player (Average rating: 1831.28)
Club Forum
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集英社の「週間少年ジャンプ」で大人気連載中の 「ふたりの太星」好きは集まれ! ストーリーやキャラクター、作中に出て来る棋譜等、 楽しく語りあえたらいいな! Do you know "Futari no Taisei" ? This is Shogi comic and very popular in Japan. We wish we could enjoy conversation about story, characters, Kihu and so on.
Member list:
- JamBalaya (1831) ☗4☗9☗3