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81Dojo Club | 棋兵隊 (kiheitai)
Club name: 棋兵隊 (kiheitai)
Owner: oboro (1660) ☗6☗5☗11
Club level:
Members: 36 players (Average rating: 1535.49)
Club Forum
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戦術の研究と実戦による鍛錬を主軸に、皆で切磋琢磨していきましょう。 集え!在野の維新棋士達よ! Let's work hard with everyone around the tactics study and combat training. Gather! Individual shogi player us! *棋兵隊(kiheitai) has derived from the "奇兵隊(kiheitai:i.e. odd soldiers)" of the samurai and commoners mixed force that was formed in the Edo period by 高杉晋作(Shinsaku Takasugi).
Member list:
oboro (1660) ☗6☗5☗11
loftkun (1384)
tonnbo (1610) ☗2☗2☗7
kmullin (1100)
nachopon (1540)
cyanide91 (1415)
PNTM12579 (1040)
CGS_Alex (1500) ☗2☗1☗6
Doujouyaburi (1500) ☗17☗2☗4
kambuy (1820) ☗12☗7☗4
keichan9 (1647)
ashtkhr (1488) ☗0☗2☗13
sugio (1573)
kousei (1843) ☗7☗6☗10
sekotaka (2014)
YOUKi712 (1559)
tukiyo (1452)
meimei (1542)
yamada0506 (1447)
Hikari1 (762) ☗0☗0☗4
Robo2 (1868) ☗9☗5☗2
kayblis1 (1339)
katsumiwinner (1375) ☗4☗7☗5
Bluechatterer (1548) ☗5☗11☗4
tegoi (1514) ☗7☗8☗7
kiikosan (1754) ☗0☗3☗3
sankakusan (2314) ☗22☗5☗4
sonryu (1563) ☗10☗8☗9
mendy (2141) ☗13☗5☗2
CharlesPrieto (961)
noriaibus (1401)
umiwahiroi (1476)
takutt (1217) ☗7☗4☗5
mikiayuka (2034) ☗13☗11☗3
SoutaL11 (1133) ☗8☗6☗5
KORUPI (1725) ☗2☗7☗6