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81Dojo Club | Shogi Philippines (SHOPHI)

Club name: Shogi Philippines (SHOPHI)

Owner:  ErwinSmith (1504) ☗4☗13☗7

Club level: 

Members: 4 players (Average rating: 1220.35)

Club Forum

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Shogi Philippines (SHOPHI) is a community of Filipino shogi enthusiasts. It is conceptualized on November 2022 to keep up with the active national shogi organizations of our neighboring countries and especially as a response to the newly formed Southeast Asia Shogi Association (SEASA). SHOPHI has the primary mission to gather and support Filipino shogi enthusiasts, and to promote the game in the country. It has the vision to be a recognized community—not only in online—of competitive and respectful Filipino players that can contend in the international shogi arena.

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This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at