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81Dojo Club | 黒の棋士団(Black Shogi Players)
Club name: 黒の棋士団(Black Shogi Players)
Owner: Yajimatamahiko (2081)
Club level:
Members: 3 players (Average rating: 1946.98)
Club Forum
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戦法の研究や対局を通して、序盤中盤終盤隙がなく、駒たちが躍動するような将棋を目標としたサークルです。居飛車党、振り飛車党どちらも参加OKです。国籍も問いません。強さも関係ありません。将棋に対する情熱が強い方の参加をお待ちしております。 We are a shogi circle where we study strategies together and play games, aiming at a shogi game in which the pieces move dynamically without gaps in the beginning, middle and end of the game. Both iaibisha and furibisha parties are welcome to join. We are open to all nationalities. We don't care how strong you are. We are looking forward to your participation if you have a strong passion for Shogi.
Member list:
- Yajimatamahiko (2081)
- mikiayuka (2023) ☗13☗11☗3
- summercat (1735) ☗3☗13☗9