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Tournament: Shogi Ladder Week 203
Sente: Balint (1131) ☗0☗3☗5Icon mail off
Gote: lady_cloche (1209) Icon mail off
Game started at: 2024-05-25 07:17:48 UTC
Game rule: Rated, 15 min + 60 sec

Comments for this game

1: Jim1492a (707) ☗1☗3☗72024-05-25 10:40

MOVE1 standard opening
MOVE2 standard opening, best not to capture bishop at this time
MOVE3 give rook moRe room
MOVE4 close bishop bishop capture
MOVE5 getting ready to attack bishop head
MOVE6 defence - denied bishop head attack as a beginner I don't like 2,2 empty
MOVE10 4th file rook now, this seems like a good place for rook.
MOVE12 king moves to start castle build. Note the pawn structure for black I call this the picket fence. This will give the bishop a lot of room to move around
MOVE14 unknown move, the pawn is way forward and subject to attack, but there are not pieces in hand and the pawn is clear of bishop probably a good move
MOVE22 pawn 2,3 is naked, I might want to try and attack it. is that a good idea?
MOVE25 climbing silver
MOVE26 minno castle complete - pretty
MOVE36 attack climbing silver - is having silver on file 1 a good idea?
MOVE37 wow bold move by Balint, sacrifice silver to get tonkin.
MOVE42 tonkin will get knight
MOVE47 rook promotion - it seems like Balint is winning
MOVE58 silver goes forward - is that a good idea?  it is naked, on a bishop free square.
MOVE60 nice knight drop - fork on two golds
MOVE64 take gold on file 6 - would take gold on file 4 be better if you do that you don't loose knight?
MOVE66 naked king - it seems to me that Balint never made a castle.  Lady's minno castle looks pretty and perfect.
MOVE68 looking bad for balint, If we took lady's in-hand silver and gold and gave them to balint, Could you break lady's castle and win the game?
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