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Tournament: World Shogi League 2016, Division B
Sente: tomoaki (1841) ☗3☗7☗9Icon mail on
Gote: Rembrandt (1693) Icon mail off
Game started at: 2016-06-03 13:05:14 UTC
Game rule: Rated, 30 min + 60 sec

Comments for this game

1: whitecat (1957) ☗0☗0☗02016-06-04 12:15

move 15 P-65 can be an alternative move to prevent Gote's ideal formation. The game would turn into a wild one, though.
move 53 T-52 seems better than Tx53. Don't have to activate Gote's horse. Further, a pawn drop on the center from Gote could be a threat in future.
move 88 If both kings are facing each other, it is important that power balance in the place between  both kings. Here, see the square 25; Sente's king vs. Gote's king and gold. One vs. two for Sente, which is generally worse for Sente.
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