Tournament: [81Dojo] 3rd Aeon Saint
Sente: DemonikOu (2147) ☗12☗8☗7
Gote: mdarg (1427) ☗7☗9☗3
Game started at: 2017-01-06 21:39:11 UTC
Game rule: Non-rated, 60 min + 30 sec
Sente: DemonikOu (2147) ☗12☗8☗7
Gote: mdarg (1427) ☗7☗9☗3
Game started at: 2017-01-06 21:39:11 UTC
Game rule: Non-rated, 60 min + 30 sec
Comments for this game
1: mdarg (1427) ☗7☗9☗32017-01-08 22:18
大会記録 [永聖] tournament [Aeon Saint] 15:すっかり定着した感がある5手目77銀の矢倉から飛車先を決め急戦の意思を表明、囲いに手を付けず銀を上がった。この時点では引き角棒銀が濃厚に見える。感想戦ではこの角上がりが1手損になったのではないかという指摘があったが、64角を早めに指し捌かせて受けた方がよかっただろうか。 23:手順はいくつか前後したが、自分もよく指す屋敷流2枚銀急戦(屋敷九段の愛称である「忍者屋敷」から忍者銀とも)になった。 26:桂跳ねや銀上がりを見たのではなく、△64角に▲55歩が先手の狙いなので、73角と引いてあくまでも角のラインは通しますよという手。 27:予想外の仕掛け。定跡では代えて79角と引き角にしてから24を争点にして捌き合い、陣形を乱しての角打や端の強行突破など、銀を捨てる攻めを見ることが多い。 29:ここで同銀では屋敷流にした意味がなさそうだ、と思っていたところに袖飛車。初めて見る形。 34:飛車当たりにならないので少し主張が弱くなったが、初志貫徹で角は右に使う。 40:緩手。感想戦では代えて△5六歩打という指摘があった。ソフトで検討したところ、以下▲3四歩打△4四銀▲同銀右上△同歩▲同銀△1九角成▲3三歩成△同金▲同銀成△2九馬▲6一金打△4二金などと進むと先手がよいよう。他に考えていた手としては86歩同歩85歩同歩同飛の十字飛車だが、玉が浅く響きが弱い。結局素直に△8五飛が正着だったでようで、仮に▲3四歩打ならば△5五角▲同角△同飛▲6六角打で困りそうだが△5六飛が妙手。ただし、△5六飛まで指した局面を見ると、急所の△2七角打は見えるものの先手の攻めがかなり速そう(ソフトで解析したところ、将来△2五馬と引けば先手の攻めは受かるらしいが、そんなのわかんねぇって)。 48:もちろん、指せると思ったから指したのだが、ソフト曰く「無理筋。先手主張がないんだから中央でも厚くして待ってなさい、後手番でしょ?」だそう。 56:悔いの残る一手で敗着となった。どうせ飛車交換は避けられない形なのだから、相手の手番に96飛を指してもらえば手得だった。代えて38銀不成が正着(大幅な手順前後ではあるが、結局後で指すことになる)。 62:後手は変則中原囲いに組み替え。飛車を下ろされたらこの形で受けようと用意していた。 63:ソフトで解析したところ実は、63~74手目までの12手のうち、先手が4回後手が3回明確な悪手を指しており、評価値が(一貫して先手有利ではあるものの)乱高下する。それだけ難解な終盤で、指していてもまったく手が見えなかった。 73:受けなしと勘違いしての大悪手。代えて45歩でも先手優勢には変わりないが、粘れはしたよう。中盤の構想にも問題はあったが、終盤力勝負になって地金が出てしまった。 大会記録 [永聖] tournament [Aeon Saint] 15: 5th move silv-77 style (recent style) Yagura and sente marched silver to 26 with no "kakoi" (defence formation). Thus, I wanted to get ready for asserting against "hiki-kaku-bo-gin" (bishop on 79 style bo-gin). Or, it could be better that march bishop to 64 directly and accept exchanges on the point 24. In "kanso-sen" (after the game), DemonikOu pointed this move is loss. 23: Sente built "Yashiki sytyle double silver" -- also known as "Ninja-gin", named after Yasiki 9dan's nickname Ninja-Yashiki -- although there was some "tejun-zengo" (minor inverted sequence of moves). 26: This move's aim is the sequence that △bish-64▲pawn-55△pawn-55▲silv-55△bish-73, keeping bishop's line -- not for △knig-73 or △silv-73. 27: I did'nt suppose this "sikake" (challenge). "Joseki" (wide known pattarn of moves based on well established theories) sais "hikikaku" (bishop on 79 style) match Ninja-gin and sente can lead the game by attacking the point 24. After the exchanges on 24, sente have cahances of braking 1st line or bishop-down, by forcing gote to take silver. 29: It is my first time to see Ninja-gin + "sode-hisya" (rook on 3rd line style). I thought that instead move silv-35 would not match Yashiki style. 34: I decide to use bishop in right area, as I planed, although my bishop can not hit sente's rook directly now. 40: Is was "kansyu" (move based on a loose-thinking). Instead move △pawn-56-down was proposed in kanso-sen. As I consult my computer, the sequence following above would be like ▲pawn-34-down△silv-44▲silv-44(35)△pawn-44▲silv-44△bish-19-prom▲pawn-33-prom△gold-33▲silv-33-prom△prom-bish-29▲gold-61-down△gold42, and sente could get some advantage. My second plan was △pawn-86▲pawn-86△pawn-85-down▲pawn-85△rook-85 -- "juzi-hisya" (cross attack). I gave up this plan because it does'nt look effective, for sente's king is far from my rook. My computer points that I should think it more plain and insterad move △rook-85 was better. If the sequence was △rook-85▲pawn-34-down△bish-55▲bish-55△rook-55▲bish-66, I could get out of difficulty by △rook56. In this situation, sente's attack looks faster than gote's at a grance, but I could get out of difficulty again by ▲prom-bish-25, as my compuler saying -- it is impossible at all for me to make such judgments. 48: My computer points that this move cannot lead good result, though I believed it can, telling me to wait because sente have few chance of attack and I am gote. 56: This move would be "hai-tyaku" (turning point of this game to lose)and is regrettable for me. Rook exchange should be done using sente's "teban" (turn). Instead move silv-38-noprom would be "sei-tyaku" (correct move) -- I played silv-38-noprom later, but that was "tejun-zengo" (major inverted sequence of moves). 62: I reformed my formation into a variation of Nakahara-kakoi -- I had a plan to defend against sente's rook downd, by this formation. 63: My computer is saying that in the moves 63-74, there is 4 better alternative move for sente and 3 for gote - situation was vary from one move to another, although sente kept advantage all through the sequence. This endgame is so difficult for me that I could not find good choice. 73: I missjuged the situation and thought that my king have no escape -- it can by the move pawn-45. Thank you for exciting game and interesting kanso-sen.
2: mdarg (1427) ☗7☗9☗32017-01-09 16:46
cf: my successful kifs of Yashiki sytyle and ordinal style double silver.
3: DemonikOu (2147) ☗12☗8☗72017-01-09 23:00
Thank you very much for the commentary! I am so happy that you like ninjaGin and enjoy it too! Please keep up the good Shogi and become strong!
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