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Tournament: Feeling Real Town Dojo Tournament 2nd season [even R30+60 or handicap NR30+60] ◆closed◆
Sente: Trailrunner (1500) ☗7☗9☗1Icon mail on
Gote: tatata (2065) ☗2☗10☗8Icon mail off
Game started at: 2018-10-15 12:58:01 UTC
Game rule: Rated, 30 min + 60 sec

Comments for this game

1: tomycar (2330) ☗10☗9☗62018-10-16 18:10

2018-10-15 21:58~23:07
▲Trailrunnerさん⑩[1-1]R1483 対△tatataさん④[0-0]R1645
平手R30-60 相居形△1手損角換わり 94手まで△勝ち

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