Tournament: Professional Teaching Games for WSL Winners (2-piece Handicap)
Sente: DarumaGama (1599)
Gote: Madoka_KITAO (5000)
Game started at: 2020-05-10 09:00:24 UTC
Game rule: 2-piece HC, 20 min + 30 sec
Sente: DarumaGama (1599)
Gote: Madoka_KITAO (5000)
Game started at: 2020-05-10 09:00:24 UTC
Game rule: 2-piece HC, 20 min + 30 sec
Comments for this game
1: mako21 (1436) ☗6☗8☗42020-05-10 19:22
世界将棋リーグ優勝者DarumaGama様とプロ棋士の北尾まどか様との対局でしたが、風車を巧みに活用したDarumaGama様が、二枚落ちの有利を活かして、しっかりと勝利されていました。^_^ あと、同じ「飛車角なし」の条件で、DarumaGama様に先日、勝利していたMipha様は「プロ棋士になれる腕前なのかしら?」とも考えております。^_^
2: Mipha (2147) ☗7☗3☗62020-05-13 02:19
I won him only one game by his mistake when he started attacking me and also at that game he placed his bishop at 57 square and his king at 48 square which I recommend him to play K-38 and P-25 at the game I played with him was not a good move for him too. I think he played it like what I recommend him last time which means I may lose if I play him at 2pc handicap next time. ^-^
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