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Tournament: World Shogi League 2020, Division B
Sente: Robinso (1434) ☗4☗6☗9Icon mail on
Gote: iolam (1823) Icon mail off
Game started at: 2020-06-24 12:59:50 UTC
Game rule: Rated, 30 min + 60 sec

Comments for this game

1: Robinso (1434) ☗4☗6☗92020-06-24 15:07

In move 44 sente can actually take the pawn with the rook, rook exchange is not convenient for gote. After Rx86 it could go N-85 and then B-88. 

2: gorochan (1585) 2020-06-26 07:00

In move 44 sente can actually take the pawn with the rook、Gote need change the rook,after 88 rook,Sente puts the rook in 82. Gote 89 Dragon from Rook,74 pawn ..... Sente /rosinso will win this game.

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