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Tournament: Shogi Guatemala
Sente: skykeeper (1641) ☗5☗6☗3Icon mail off
Gote: dan_1234 (1843) ☗7☗10☗4Icon mail on
Game started at: 2020-11-29 22:44:08 UTC
Game rule: Non-rated, 15 min + 60 sec

Comments for this game

1: ThePharmacist (1278) ☗8☗5☗92020-11-29 23:17

Creo que (mov 87) Oro a 48, para luego reingresar el caballero en 55 podría haber funcionado.

2: gorochan (1585) 2020-11-30 00:39

Hello Skykeeper

mov81:55 Keima was better than yours.

 from Gorochan

3: dan_1234 (1843) ☗7☗10☗42020-11-30 16:55

es la primera vez que alguien comenta uno de mis kifus ;)mi proposito ha sido cumplido :)
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