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Tournament: San Francisco Shogi Club Monthly Meeting
Sente: SFmaster (2299) Icon mail off
Gote: iongrey (2224) ☗5☗7☗6Icon mail off
Game started at: 2022-01-08 23:53:08 UTC
Game rule: Rated, 10 min + 30 sec

Comments for this game

1: SFmaster (2299) 2022-01-09 02:16

46 45FU is great move not to miss the chance to tackle.

55 Instead of 65FU, 56FU would be  better. After taking a pawn by 
 56KIN, followed by 24KAKU, 57FU, 35FU, then my king becomes weak and you will have 3 pawns in hand, which helps your attack more effective.

76 Instead of 57FU, another idea was taking GIN with 44KAKU, followed by 44FU, 45KYOU, which is direct attack to my 47KIN.

84 Instead 33KEI, 33GIN would be  more tenacious. In the position after 31KAKU, 31KIN, 31RYU, your king is not in mate threated. However, it is not easy to create a mate threat to my king. Deep calculation is needed.
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