Turmunkh_M's Player Information
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Joining Clubs
- Ended Online Preliminary of the 14th Ricoh Cup Women's ”Ouza” Shogi Championship Day2
- Ended OfficialOnline Preliminary of the 14th Ricoh Cup Women's ”Ouza” Shogi Championship
- Ended Final Round of Online Preliminary of the 9th Ricoh Cup Women's ”Ouza” Shogi Championship
- Ended League C of Online Preliminary of the 9th Ricoh Cup Women's ”Ouza” Shogi Championship
- Ended Final Round of Online Preliminary of the 8th Ricoh Cup Women's ”Ouza” Shogi Championship
- Ended League 1 of Online Preliminary of the 8th Ricoh Cup Women's ”Ouza” Shogi Championship
- Ended 7th Ricoh Cup Women's "Ouza", Foreign Preliminary, Final Round
- Ended 7th Ricoh Cup Women's "Ouza", Foreign Preliminary, League A