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World Shogi Forum > Events and Meetings > [Commendation] 6th Suiryu-sen [R1749-1300] 10m-30s Rated

[Commendation] 6th Suiryu-sen [R1749-1300] 10m-30s Rated
raidensiratsuyu (1964) ☗19☗4☗42018-06-26 12:38
6th Suiryu-sen [R1749-1300] 10m-30s Rated
Tournament period: 2018 03-21 - 06-25

[6th SUIRYU] doghulk (SUIRYU and MAGURO) 29PTS.

2nd place billyhk       24PTS.
3rd place Carbunculus     22Pts.
4th place rokio        18Pts.
5th place noise        16Pts.

6th place of a tie babara SG100
8th place penpalrdro(GBR)

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