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Study Room
AsJayTee (1183) 2019-04-22 22:26
Hey there, I'm new to this website and am still exploring all of its functions and whatnot. 
I'm having some trouble with finding the "Study Room" function. Could anyone give some insight as to the requirements and how to access this function?
I'd really love to start going through my past games as soon as possible. Thanks.
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2: Cole (1210) ☗0☗0☗02020-08-08 07:27
For posterity's sake:

In the game app, click "Wait for Game", then select Study Room along with the options for how you would like to set up the room. Add a password in the "Private game room" field if you want the room to be private.

Inside the room, you can load kifu files (downloadable after a finished game and also searchable through the web system) and also position files if you have Bronze privileges.
1: ramalam (1018) 2019-05-01 07:05
Hi , AsJayTee,

I might be mistaken , but I don't think the Study Room is available at all times.

The best way to learn ,is just start playing and have fun! 

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