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World Shogi Forum > Events and Meetings > Oshiruko78's view (rules and regulations in our organize tourney)

Oshiruko78's view (rules and regulations in our organize tourney)
Oshiruko78 (1914) ☗11☗10☗42019-11-26 21:21
1. Our organize tourney        = All organize tourney by Oshiruko78 in 81Dojo
2. Organizer                   = Oshiruko78
3. Our                         = Organizer
4. Participant                 = participants to our organize tourney
5. Open                        = Make a tourney page
6. Participants qualification  = Possible participants to our organize tourney
7. Participants right          = Entry to our organize tourney right (right get case is only meet to participants qualification)
8. COM                         = A computer programmed to play shogi (shogi ai)
9. Manager                     = Administrator of 81Dojo
●First clause  (AN ESCAPE)
1. Our organize tourney is abled to entry only 81Dojo-user for a onerous contract. Please note this a head not apply arule to a case start before October 12th,2019 ten o'clock[UTC],and 『3rd time Red Dragon Emperor battle[dragon emperor diadem]【Final】』.
2. All follow in here provisions and rules are conform to 81Dojo-Terms.
3. Prohibit strictry all trade cash and cash equivalents. If participant trade cash and cash equivalents,detection as soon as our will be doing to disposal 『order out of the tourney』 determine in 3rd clause 5th head provision. Conform it,our collect an entry fee is D-mails only.
4. Prohibit strictry crime act in our organize tourney. If participant act crime revelation as soon as our will be doing report to police by through manager.
5. Organizer is not charge with trouble between participants in 81Dojo-websystem that except organizer is able to prevent easily.
6. Organizer is not announce to discontinuance or alteration to tourney. And organizer is not change with inconvenient for participants that organizer doing to discontinuance or alteration to tourney it only taught a crime.
7. If participant didn't observance to 81Dojo-Terms,our will be doing to report to manager in depending on the situation.
8. Provisions and rules are acted decision by our in 7day's announce.However, if [I am] judged that the only part to be corrected is [grammatical correction], it will not fall.
9. Organizer is do to all discretion to fall of this provisions and rules.
●Second clause (PARTICIPATION)
1. Our organize tourney is abled to entry by only 81Dojo-user except COM-Users and New-Users. Please note,Club-Tourney is abled to entry by only Club-Members.
2. Receive to disqualification punishment account user,it determine in Third clause,or not fall to entry requirement account is not able to entry our organize tourney who fall to Second clause 1st head.
3. Receive to stop punishment account user cannot entry. If receive to stop punishment account user in participant, our can deletion to tourneybracket the account through manager in dueconsideration of influence with other participants.
4. Participants cannot entry by multiple accounts.
5. New-User cannot entry to our organize tourney, because New-User isn't decision rating, so prevent with be likely to harm to power balance that adverse to all participant by too much or too small proposition of rating.
6. Com-User cannot entry to our organize tourney,because our organize tourney is 『human(brains) tourney』,Com using impossible to entry that it didn't think about that yourself.
1. Provisions determine in Third clause are apply arule to a case all our organize tourney.
2. In participants, who did proposition abandon of entry to our, our will be doing deal with [abandon of entry].fluctuation of ranking are dependence to that tourney rules.
3. In participants, who didn't play in tourney or not intention to play in tourney, or closing account user are dealt with [disqualification] by our. In the case, our can delete of all document in our organize tourney at the user's.
4. In participants, who did breach of manners or harassment, or acts of dishonesty user are dealt with [next entry suspension] by our. In the case, that user is invalidation to entry right in half a year.
5. In participants, who did many breach of manners or harassment, or acts of dishonesty, and stop account user are dealt with [expelled] by our. In the case, that user is invalidation to entry right permanently.
6. Disqualification,next entry suspension and expelled punishment is disided by organizer, that punishment is validity as soon as announce. If receive to punishment of disqualification account is in prize honor of tourney, our delete of that honor.
7.Disqualification,next entry suspension and expelled punishment All the game results of the applicable person will be changed to defeat, and the unmatched cells will be treated as a bye draw.
8.I, Oshiruko78, make all decisions as to whether or not a disqualification set out in Article 3rd clause.

【Last update】: April 3rd, 2020 (UTC)

Japanese version:
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1: Oshiruko78 (1914) ☗11☗10☗42020-02-15 21:30 (Edited at 2020-02-15 21:31)
I will give notice of a partial revision of the text chapter in accordance with 1st clause 8th head provision.

The following clauses are newly added.

・3rd clause 7th head provision
Disqualification,next entry suspension and expelled punishment All the game results of the applicable person will be changed to defeat, and the unmatched cells will be treated as a bye draw.
・3rd clause 8th head provision
I, Oshiruko78, make all decisions as to whether or not a disqualification set out in Article 3rd clause.

The revised section will become effective on February 22 at 12:30 (UTC), and will be effective and applied from that time.
Until 12:30 (UTC) on February 22, the one before the revision (current) applies.


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