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World Shogi Forum > User-to-User Support > How to play on the computer?

How to play on the computer?
ZarloGZ (1040) 2019-12-23 01:52
hi, i would like to play shogi on my computer but i don't know where to click and where to play, i would be grateful for help
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7: Jim1492a (707) ☗1☗3☗72022-04-02 01:01
The url above is for another web site where you can play shogi.  (FYI)
6: captbirdseye (700) 2019-12-29 14:36 (Edited at 2019-12-29 14:36)
> thanks, it works!

My pleasure - all part of the service! I learned something too!
5: ZarloGZ (1040) 2019-12-26 16:23
thanks, it works!
4: captbirdseye (700) 2019-12-26 14:21 (Edited at 2019-12-26 15:10)
> I'm on the website and I don't know what to enter to play

Afraid I can't help with this one - I don't use the 81 Dojo system. Sorry...

5 minutes later: I was curious, so I tried it. OK, I think I now see how it works.

Go to the 81 Dojo 'portal' (, and click on 'Entrance'.

This should spawn a separate (client?) window with URL:

If they aren't already there, enter your login and password and press 'Login'

You should now see a window with details of games in progress, some help information, etc.

At bottom left, trhere is a list of 'waiting players'. Double click on the player you wish to challenge in the list *above* this one. and you should get some response.

I didn't take it any further than that as I'm not really interested in playing ax the internet.

It's not desparately well documented - I now appear to be registered as 'waiting for a game' - which I'm not, and I can't see how to remove myself from the list...

I *think* that's how it works - good luck!

3: ZarloGZ (1040) 2019-12-25 16:48
I'm on the website and I don't know what to enter to play
2: ZarloGZ (1040) 2019-12-25 16:47
I play on the website
1: captbirdseye (700) 2019-12-25 14:42 (Edited at 2019-12-25 14:43)
Are you talking about using:

1) the 81 Dojo system?
2) another web-based Shogi system (Which one?)
3) a stand-alone Shogi program on your own computer (Which one? What computer do you have?)

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at