World Shogi Forum

World Shogi Forum > Shogi in General > FYI: weakest online com-player sites

FYI: weakest online com-player sites
topstone (1031) ☗3☗7☗02017-01-17 10:12
1. Shogi no asobi beya (将棋の遊び部屋)

  あいて の つよさ: com level
  にゅうもん: novice (most weak)
  とても よわい: very weak
  すこし よわい: slightly weak
  すこし つよい: slightly strong
  たいきょく かいし: start playing

2. Komao (こまお)

  手合いを選ぶにゃ: select handicap
  平手: even game
  2枚落ち: two piece handicap
  4枚落ち: four piece handicap
  6枚落ち: six piece handicap
  8枚落ち: eight piece handicap
  10枚落ち: ten piece handicap

3. Hamster Shogi (ハム将棋)
(Flash Player required)

  平手: even game
  ハム2枚落ち: two piece handicap (the hamster gives you)
  2枚落ち: two piece handicap (you give the hamster)
  裸玉: nineteen piece handicap


I hope every novice shogi-player enjoys playing shogi.
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