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Static or Ranging Rook?
KrlosOblivion (874) 2016-08-08 09:16
First of all, let me thank Hidetchi さん for putting all of his efforts in making such an awesome platform so that we all who love Shogi can play online with one another... And for creating this forum so we can get our thoughts across, learn from the best and teach those who come after us... 

With that aside, I want to ask you guys... Ranging rook or static rook?? 

I like Static Rook more... Actually, it's the first thing I learned, so I kinda stuck with it, trying to learn the works and perks of it. I try to vary both rook styles in my gameplay but I find it easier to play static. 

Thank you all and thanks again Hidetchi さん, let's do our best and let's give it our all in every single game ok!? 

P.S. It feels good to be the first one to post here XDD... 

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8: lalibee (1872) 2016-10-14 06:57
I think as a static rook player you must learn more jousekis.
Of course the static rook vs. static rook openings like double wing attack, bishopexchange, yagura and side pawn picker plus the static rook oppositons against every ranging rook style like Central Rook, third-file Rook, fourth-file Rook and Opposing Rook. As a ranging rook player you just learn your ranging rook style against static rook and the different double ranging rook matchups or the static rook oppositions against all ranging rook styles(when you want to beware double ranging rook).
7: KrlosOblivion (874) 2016-09-09 17:20
I guess that the more you dive into this game the more openings, or holes in the opponent's  defense you'll see, and you're going to have to try different plays because that particular time, your usual attack didn't work, so you'll know what to do when that comes up. And that's what's good about books and pro games, cause they show you moves and plays that you would never imagine otherwise. 
6: Frogurt11 (1040) 2016-09-09 17:15
Whenever i use the main pieces too early i get caught an simply lose them without exchange. 
5: Frogurt11 (1040) 2016-09-09 17:14
I find ranging rook harder to play, too. I mostly use the rook and even the bishop attack lines to advance with silver, gold and knight, and at the end pull the one or both main pieces up in the promotion zone.

I guess that this is the tipical biginner technique :)
4: jumi (1515) 2016-08-30 17:20
I prefer playing ranging rook even though I win mostly by playing static rook. I think that playing static rook against ranging rook leads to pretty strong and straightforward attacks, while playing ranging rook demands more attention to and sense for timing and counter attacks. However, when my opponent gets to play ranging rook before I can, I usually am quite glad I don't have to think about making Sabaki as much as he will. 
3: kmullin (1100) 2016-08-17 06:51
That's an interesting comment. 

I wonder how the number of strategies encountered by a static rook player varies by whether the static rook player is sente (black) or gote (white). It'd be nice to see some stats on this (on the site or elsewhere).
2: KrlosOblivion (874) 2016-08-08 14:32
You're right about that... And I never actually knew that until now, and you actually confirm it... I just bought the 4 Shogi Glance book series... Awesome books by the way, everyone that can, should buy them... They aren't that expensive, it cost me about 950 Lempiras, ($40-45), I shipped mine by ship so it took about 70 days... But I'm rambling... I've seen all the different strategies against static rook and you're right... You get bombarded from every angle, so you learn about piece management, castle building and speed overall... And I still have to try ranging rook... Oh man, I guess I'm up for a beating when I switch!!!    n(O.o)n but no worries... That's the thing with Shogi, it changes, it's extremely complex... That's why I love it... It keeps me on my toes!! 
1: Hidetchi (1891) ☗10☗5☗102016-08-08 13:29
Thanks for posting to the new forum.

I liked ranging rook before, but I often play static rook recently.
The opponent has more options when you play static rook. Therefore, by playing static rook, you will be able to train yourself to be able to deal with many different strategies. I think I improved a lot after I turned to static rook.

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