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A question about illegal moves in japanese tournament games
lalibee (1883) 2017-03-13 20:21
I have a question about illegal moves in japanese amateur shogitournaments: It is prohibeted for spectators to give hints about illegal moves to the players? I know in european shogitournamets, it is prohibited. 
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2: lalibee (1883) 2017-03-14 02:03
Thank you
1: Berni314 (1694) 2017-03-13 21:00
Related to this page:

"Any third person (e.g. spectators) must not give any advice to players.

However, he/she does have the right to point out any forced game end when it is clear, such as illegal move and time-up, etc. It should then be followed by both players' confirmation to decide the result of the game."

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