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World Shogi Forum > User-to-User Support > users who leave the game instead of resigning.

users who leave the game instead of resigning.
usk_luffy (1131) 2022-10-12 07:41
I've had several games with a user who will leave the clock running instead of resigning, is there any kind of punishment for doing that? it wasn't too bad this last time because he only had 6 minutes left but on serval occasions I've had to wait 10 minutes. If I could resign when its not my turn it might not be so bad but he effectively locks me out of playing  for that time period. I intend to avoid games with him in the future but is there any kind of slap on the wrist for doing this? 
here's the kifu link
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1: captbirdseye (700) 2022-10-14 13:26 (Edited at 2022-10-14 13:42)
When I started playing Shogi 50 years ago, I used to play the occasional game by letter (anyone remember letters - how slow was *that*?), and had the same problem!

Nowadays, I don't play games across the internet - ever - precisely because of situations arising like the one you outline. Frankly, I can't be bothered dealing with stuff like this. Is it a tactic to force *you* to resign, or what?

In the absence of any other sanction, you could just publically name the player concerned, but that might rebound on you. 

If I want a game, I play against Shogidokoro - that way I can abandon the game when I like, and no-one gets inconvenienced.

Awkward position to be in...

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