World Shogi Forum

World Shogi Forum > イベント、ミーティング > 【賞与総額1000Dマイル】第一回 龍闘戦 [R10-30 2敗失格トーナメント]を開催しています!

【賞与総額1000Dマイル】第一回 龍闘戦 [R10-30 2敗失格トーナメント]を開催しています!
Shogimania717 (1576) ☗4☗9☗42024-08-22 17:34
Please login to post a comment.
2: Shogimania717 (1576) ☗4☗9☗42024-08-25 13:54
>>1  JainTao様

Thank you. If you want to participate, point to about 5 rating games and confirm the rating. Then you can join by opening the link above, pressing the send application button and pressing send.
1: JainTao (1429) 2024-08-25 13:50
Arigato gusaimas... I would to join to shogi club...and the tournament

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