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8° Kyosha (Tournoi individuel francophone)

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: leisaarlainen (1320)
Co-organizer: kire (1452) ☗1☗5☗3
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Central Europe
Tournament period: 2020-05-10 14:00 ~ 2020-05-10 19:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 gunjin (2121) 61734 M 2
2 KENAYU1 (2062) 101714 M2
3 tibanou (1347) 71648 M2
4 aki_no_yuugure (1650) 81608 M2
5 leoparddesmer (1429) 81479 M2
6 mikikimb (1250) 61322 M1
7 Neral (1400) 81282 M1
8 spinoza1313 (1049) 11268 M1
9 TITREN (1134) 101139
10 Kurogane (1161) 81076
11 PavlaD (875) 4704
12 ganil (1668) 8NC
13 kire (1452) 4Arbitre

Recent gamesSee all

2020-05-10PavlaD ● - ○ NeralKifuGame
2020-05-10Kurogane ● - ○ leoparddesmerKifuGame
2020-05-10KENAYU1 ○ - ● tibanouKifuGame
2020-05-10TITREN ● - ○ aki_no_yuugureKifuGame
2020-05-10mikikimb ● - ○ ganilKifuGame


4 RONDES 10+30
reserve aux joueurs francophone ou resident en pays francophone
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