Don't lose the rainy season! Let's enjoy shogi(^^)!

All game records in the tournament

2020-06-28 22:31mizomizo○ - ●tamagotreeKifuGame
2020-06-27 18:01tebasaki○ - ●goya508508KifuGame
2020-06-26 17:56koshon● - ○mizomizoKifuGame
2020-06-24 07:15K_dayasu○ - ●goya508508KifuGame
2020-06-22 17:08harutokei○ - ●kashiwa55KifuGame
2020-06-21 20:17harutokei○ - ●mituruKifuGame
2020-06-21 19:58mizomizo○ - ●mituruKifuGame
2020-06-21 19:29K_dayasu● - ○harutokeiKifuGame
2020-06-21 19:21byuta● - ○K_dayasuKifuGame
2020-06-21 18:49byuta● - ○mizomizoKifuGame
2020-06-21 17:46mizomizo○ - ●Kaerukun11221566KifuGame
2020-06-21 17:31TosshyH● - ○mizomizoKifuGame
2020-06-21 13:08mizomizo○ - ●garoxxKifuGame
2020-06-21 12:25mizomizo○ - ●tomotomo2000KifuGame
2020-06-21 11:16ibishatooo2● - ○soumei0326KifuGame
2020-06-21 11:00tebasaki● - ○mizomizoKifuGame
2020-06-21 10:32kashiwa55● - ○mizomizoKifuGame
2020-06-21 07:49mizomizo○ - ●tsukuneKifuGame
2020-06-20 21:20zizi● - ○mizomizoKifuGame
2020-06-20 19:22mizomizo○ - ●K_dayasuKifuGame
2020-06-20 18:34tomotomo2000● - ○harutokeiKifuGame
2020-06-20 14:18goya508508● - ○mizomizoKifuGame
2020-06-20 11:44snowy0503○ - ●soumei0326KifuGame
2020-06-20 10:20tomotomo2000● - ○kashiwa55KifuGame
2020-06-20 09:15ibishatooo2● - ○kashiwa55KifuGame
2020-06-20 07:00goya508508● - ○tsukuneKifuGame
2020-06-20 06:05mituru○ - ●goya508508KifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at