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☆2nd Cheetah running at full speed Cup 0m10s NR


Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: raidensiratsuyu (1964) ☗19☗4☗4
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2017-01-27 00:00 ~ 2017-03-23 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (0 min + 10 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
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1 neokdr (2393) 40Wins Champ. WP2nd. Compe.3rdT
2 wataru7dan (2124) --!-!----29Wins3rdT WP4thT
3 brdlng (2305) 15
4 tomiel (2273) 18
5 heaven58 (2661) 31Wins3rdT WP3rd Compe.5th
6 murizeme (2079) 43WP/Compe.Champ. Wins2nd
7 TNK (2078) 5
8 ykksuzuran (2015) -13
9 osakenomi (1956) -18
10 zibakujyoou (1991) 29Compe.2nd WP4thT Wins5th
11 naoya333 (2025) 19
12 ts_y31sv (2111) !5
13 57gin (1866) -9
14 ready (1935) !5
15 tumekisuto (1961) -0
16 leoakatsuki (1787) -15
17 onohiro (1931) 22Compe.3rdT
18 KEAKA (1527) 15
19 Doujouyaburi (1500) -15
20 Isaka_Juzo (1591) 12
21 koko333 (1214) 0
22 Jaturawit (1582) 9
23 CANCION (1099) 8
24 Toretto (1250) -1
25 Yuito (1040) 0

Recent gamesSee all

2017-03-20brdlng ○ - ● wataru7danKifuGame
2017-03-19naoya333 ○ - ● wataru7danKifuGame
2017-03-18wataru7dan ○ - ● JaturawitKifuGame
2017-03-18wataru7dan ○ - ● onohiroKifuGame
2017-03-18wataru7dan ○ - ● neokdrKifuGame


飛び入り参加OK(2月22日 22:00まで)。
0m10s Non-rated Round-rovin Tournament.
Please enjoy 10 seconds Festival !

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