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Shogi Ladder Week 9

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: dstn3422 (1858) ☗8☗9☗5
Co-organizer: GLGR (1376)
Club member requirement: Shogi Ladder
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2020-08-22 00:00 ~ 2020-08-24 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 syncr0 (1320) --3
2 AshenSilverwolf (1199) 2
3 WaterBread (1425) 4
4 Cactuar (1487) 4
5 4adun (1594) 4
6 hatuyukiuk (1546) 4
7 daesaka (1509) 4
8 maplesugarlover (1815) 4
9 dstn3422 (1858) 4
10 Matthias (1538) 3
11 Shymon (1435) 0
12 Abir1123 (1200) -0
13 Toadofsky (1574) -3
14 GLGR (1376) -1
15 peanatsu (1205) -3
16 PyourK (1293) 4
17 RiddleBen (1298) 1
18 Uchiha268 (1150) 1
19 jienjien (1287) -3
20 finitejest (1132) --1
21 Nimyu (1578) -3

Recent gamesSee all

2020-08-24Nimyu ○ - ● finitejestKifuGame
2020-08-24Matthias ○ - ● dstn3422KifuGame
2020-08-24RiddleBen ● - ○ PyourKKifuGame
2020-08-24AshenSilverwolf ● - ○ syncr0KifuGame
2020-08-23WaterBread ○ - ● AshenSilverwolfKifuGame


Welcome all ladder climbers!
You may have noticed that the pairing table this week looks a bit "shuffled". What is up with that? There is a new forum topic called "How does pairing work?" copied below :)
Bare Bones
  • Simply schedule a game with the person above you and below you in the pairing table (the top-most position and the bottom-most position also play each other).
  • To schedule a game, click on the appropriate cell in the table and message your partner your availability. You can also use the discord to coordinate.
In a teaching ladder, each player plays (and analyzes!) a game with a person a rank below them, and a person a rank above them. Ideally, the difference between players should be 50-200 rating points, so you learn from someone who is just on the next "rung of the ladder" from you; but up to now we always needed more players to achieve this ideal spacing.
(See the original reddit discussion for a bit more on the philosophy of teaching ladders:
This week we are finally ready to attempt such a pairing for the first time! The pairing will continue to become better the more participants we have. We hope that this will help everyone get the most out of their ladder games.

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at