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Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: LaIchiro (1949) ☗4☗9☗4
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Eastern Standard Time
Tournament period: 2020-09-05 04:00 ~ 2020-09-06 23:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 SFmaster (2299) 31
2 wtree (1962) 12
3 SFCJ (1933) 29
4 YPYDVPDYA (2082) 11
5 wmaynard (1841) 24
6 SFCurry (1930) 3
7 SFnshimo (1859) 21
8 SFShogi1 (1809) 23
9 Chushingura (1836) 17
10 Yshogi_H (1640) 14
11 TSHOGI_Y (1416) -11
12 Nickono (1163) 6
13 Latios (1250) 17
14 shogimetabo (1758) 6
15 MLG37482 (2144) 41
16 forestone (1997) 15
17 LaIchiro (1949) 15
18 shira_chem (1876) 16
19 Robinwoa (1761) 42
20 LApon (1582) 20
21 CockieCat (1618) 17
22 Ryochan555 (1708) 11
23 willwillwill (1737) 19
24 jyunsyou (1863) -5
25 Opusone (1602) 4
26 Chiakiee (1631) 10
27 keitantan (1650) 0
28 julien0708 (1249) 1
29 drnosoft57 (1249) 0
30 haya (1697) 7
31 Irapuato (1993) 43
32 Chouwa (2139) 21
33 windymajic (1651) 8

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2020-09-06shira_chem ○ - ● RobinwoaKifuGame
2020-09-06YPYDVPDYA ● - ○ SFmasterKifuGame
2020-09-06YPYDVPDYA ● - ○ SFmasterKifuGame
2020-09-06julien0708 ● - ○ RobinwoaKifuGame
2020-09-06LaIchiro ● - ○ SFShogi1KifuGame



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