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1st 8-Dan tournaments B2-class(1-Dan to 4-Dan R1500~R1999)

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Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: Admiral_Togo (2128) ☗8☗5☗10
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2017-04-21 00:00 ~ 2017-11-30 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 kousei (1843) -7
2 hayazashi_man (1644) 3
3 shota128 (1829) 3
4 kasai (1767) 3
5 LeeJaeWoo (1803) 5
6 onohiro (1931) 18300 miles
7 makoron (1829) 8
8 krsone (1637) 8
9 sakusima (1835) 10
10 shokoro34343 (1765) 30500 miles
11 nachopon (1540) 4
12 Adieu (1954) 15
13 swampdog (1516) 3
14 sosakan (2102) 0declined for personal reasons
15 CheFirKa (1847) 4
16 Tetsunosuke (1405) 6
17 kambuy (1831) 10
18 christophew (1413) 6
19 Carbunculus (1813) -17200 miles
20 tomocchi (1750) 10
21 Saikyo3179 (1719) 4
22 incognito (1709) 17200 miles

Recent gamesSee all

2017-10-29LeeJaeWoo ● - ○ AdieuKifuGame
2017-09-29onohiro ● - ○ sakusimaKifuGame
2017-08-29tomocchi ○ - ● shokoro34343KifuGame
2017-08-06tomocchi ● - ○ incognitoKifuGame
2017-08-03makoron ● - ○ incognitoKifuGame


 1st 8-Dan tournaments B2-class(1-Dan to 4-Dan R1500~R1999)
★★★★★★NR game is class A only(For encourage participation from a wide range of people)★★★★★★
★ rule and regulation
Depending on the number of people and the situation at the pace of the game, the end date may be ahead of schedule.
● summary
Five leagues/classes (A, B1, B2, C1, C2)
You can only choose one, so please examine carefully.
Depending on the results at the end of each term, we will exchange between the leagues.
● Notes certainly please verify
The game app that can be used for playing in the tournament is only the web-browser version.
You cannot play on iOS and Android apps.(Application on mobile device)
Everyone can participate as long as they meet the conditions at the time of application.
Since there is no disqualification by ascending / descending before opening / holding,
Please participate with confidence until the end of the event.
but can't approve ,(*)rate uncertain and COM player.
● 1:Participation conditions
・B2-class Rated(15 min + 60 sec)1-Dan to 4-Dan (R1500~R1999)
● 2:About promotion(upgrades) and relegated(downgrades) And rank and reward(Bonus)
a higher ranking is promoted, a lower ranking is relegated.
These results shall be reflected from the 2nd 8-Dan tournaments (to be held from January to June, 2018)
We are planning to hold a 8-Dan master title game by the top two A class results. (Scheduled for December 2017)(3 or 5 or 7game match for the title)
If you become a 8-Dan(master), I will give you 2000 D miles from the organizer.
1000 D miles for second-place winners, 500, 300, 200 D Miles presented to the top 3 grades among each group of promoters.
8-Dan(master) can participate in the ranking first place even after the next term.
● 3:How to create a special game room for the tournament
When the holding period comes,
The game app that can be used for playing in the tournament is only the web-browser version. You cannot play on iOS and Android apps.
During the tournament period, participants will be having a special option in the "Create new game" window in the Dojo app to create a "Tournament Room" for your tournament. Select
this option and wait for the opponent.
The app allows the same players to play a second game in the tournament. However, only the result of the first game is taken. It is recommended that you check your game history
carefully before starting a game with someone in the league, so as not to play any second game with the same opponent by mistake.
● 4:Repetition Draw(Sen-nichi-te)
There is no rematch. It becomes a draw.
● 5:Out of line connection(Line disconnection)
If the line disconnection occurs three times, the disconnect side loses at that point.
● 6:Disqualification and Ejected
Shogi software used,A third party plays instead,It is strictly prohibited to do illegal activities such as.
★Click here for full rule text and circle
・ Special website:
・ circle :
第1期 8段戦 B級2組(初段~4段)
● 概要
5つのクラス(A, B1, B2, C1, C2)に分かれています。
● 注意事項  必ずご確認ください
モバイル端末のアプリ( iOSとAndroidアプリ)ではプレイできません。
※ただし、レート未確定(*)の方、COM(将棋ソフト使用) は承認不可とさせていただきます。
● 1:参加条件
・B級2組 持ち時間15分 秒読み60秒 初段~4段
● 2:昇級と降級 および順位と特典
これらの結果は第2期 8段戦(2018年1月~6月 開催予定)より反映。
A級成績上位2名による、8段戦(タイトル戦)を開催予定です。(2017年12月予定 3~7番勝負を予定)
8段になると、主催者より2000 Dマイル贈呈させていただきます。
準優勝者には1000 Dマイル、各組の昇級者の中で成績上位3名の方にそれぞれ、500、300、200 Dマイル贈呈。
● 3:対局方法
● 4:千日手
● 5:接続切れ
● 6:失格と退場
・ ルール全文:
・ サークル :

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at