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Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: boudantyokki (1820) ☗1☗2☗4
Co-organizer: Manta_5 (1976) ☗29☗5☗4
Club member requirement: 楽しく!(^^)!何でも研究会☆Enjoy!(^^)!Anything study club
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2020-09-26 12:00 ~ 2020-10-12 00:00 Ended
Game rule: Dobutsu shogi (0 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Jyouriku (2558) 23
2 ZXCVB69 (2042) 17
3 sankakusan (2266) 15
4 Endai_habata (1906) 10
5 shumai2 (2060) 9
6 byuta (2313) 9
7 yukun2 (2108) 7
8 finallotus1 (1876) 7
9 poppcorn81 (1934) 6
10 soumei0326 (1700) 5
11 ibishatooo2 (1861) 0
12 kurotaki (1199) 0
13 boudantyokki (1820) 33主催者 賞金マイル対象外
14 Manta_5 (1976) 31共同主催者 賞金マイル対象外

Recent gamesSee all

2020-10-09sankakusan ○ - ● Endai_habataKifuGame
2020-10-09byuta ● - ○ sankakusanKifuGame
2020-10-07ZXCVB69 ○ - ● shumai2KifuGame
2020-10-05soumei0326 ● - ○ Manta_5KifuGame
2020-10-05soumei0326 ● - ○ boudantyokkiKifuGame


1位 1000マイル Jyouriku様  優勝!
2位 500 マイル ZXCVB69様
3位 250マイル sankakusan様

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