The 3rd Shogi Study Group Limited Tournament

All game records in the tournament

2020-11-08 21:43luckyriver● - ○kitakaze100KifuGame
2020-11-08 19:02kitakaze100○ - ●akikazeKifuGame
2020-11-07 16:40Kaerukun11221566● - ○JyourikuKifuGame
2020-11-07 08:52Endai_habata● - ○JyourikuKifuGame
2020-11-04 21:55kokolemon○ - ●akikazeKifuGame
2020-10-30 20:31Jyouriku○ - ●kitakaze100KifuGame
2020-10-26 21:18Kaerukun11221566● - ○kokolemonKifuGame
2020-10-22 20:37Jyouriku○ - ●akikazeKifuGame
2020-10-21 20:51Endai_habata● - ○kokolemonKifuGame
2020-10-21 20:04K_dayasu● - ○kokolemonKifuGame
2020-10-18 15:45Jyouriku○ - ●luckyriverKifuGame
2020-10-17 14:25Jyouriku○ - ●yukun2KifuGame
2020-10-17 14:22kokolemon○ - ●luckyriverKifuGame

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