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5th Brave Bird Cup (7th to 15th grade) 15m - 60s R round-robin battle

20201108174244 5530796c7958517a7178

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: koshon (2017) ☗19☗7☗2
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2020-11-10 00:00 ~ 2021-01-09 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Jyouriku (2558) ---32
2 Ziruchan (2239) ----29
3 Seifuu (1812) -28★ / 全局消化済(11/25)
4 masshy (2067) -22
5 Kazu2527 (1800) -17
6 Nontan0826 (2109) 19
7 ryuryushima427 (2343) -13
8 ZXCVB69 (2042) -11
9 shumai2 (2079) 10
10 toshio62 (1876) -8
11 kei2010 (1415) -8
12 yukun2 (2108) -8
13 WalterZENGA (1413) -4
14 K_dayasu (1835) -3
15 Vincentaola (2284) ---3
16 kokolemon (2562) ------------9
17 makomakorin (2029) 0道場新規定により失格

Recent gamesSee all

2021-01-08kokolemon ○ - ● Nontan0826KifuGame
2020-12-31yukun2 ● - ○ ZiruchanKifuGame
2020-12-30Nontan0826 ○ - ● ZiruchanKifuGame
2020-12-15masshy ○ - ● ZiruchanKifuGame
2020-12-14Jyouriku ○ - ● WalterZENGAKifuGame


★→開催直前に二段以下での参加者/ Attendees on the second or lower level just before the event

☆→開催直前に三段以上での参加者/Participants in three or more stages immediately before the event

<大会参加方法/How to participate>
This is a link to [81 Dojo Guide] by HEIWA81.
 猛鷲クラス 上位2名様は第5回連龍王将戦出場権獲得
The top three players qualified for the 5th Renryu Osho Championship.
The top two players to the U-R1749 players qualified for the 3rd Renryu Osho Championship.
※In the case of the same winning point, the one with the highest number of matches will go up.
(If the number of plays is the same, the higher rate is preferred)
<大会名の由来/convention name origin>
Like a bird flying about in the air, so brave challengers!
Jump to the top!!
The shortened name of the competition is
【Brave Bird】
Please let me know when you will be attending.
<大会規定/convention rule>
お申し込みください<(_ _)>
★It's a competition less than 15 minute + 30 secondseach.The event will take about 60 days.
However, new shogi players and COM_go players are not allowed to participate.
※New shogi players will play 5 Rates (decided rank) after that,
Please apply <(_ _)>
★○: 勝ち/Win (3ポイント/3 Points)
 ●: 負け/defeat (1ポイント/1 Point)
 △: 引分/tie (2ポイント/2 Points)
★-: 未対局 (連絡履歴あり/Contact history available)
 /: 未対局 (対局日時決定済/Time and date set done)
 !: 未対局 (決定した対局日時を経過/Time and date set to pass)
★不戦勝・不戦敗などの処理は行わず、ご参加いただいた分のみにて決定いたします。ご了承ください<(_ _)>
We do not deal with non-match and non-match, we will decide only on the part you participate in.Please note that <(_ _)>
(except when requested by both players.)
As the competition progresses, the frequency of competition gradually decreases.
I would like you to propose the date of the tournament individually.
We strictly award the contest's willingness to participate.
If you are not keen on match, please refrain from participating.
After 30 days from starting day,
if you can not played yet. ⇒ Disqualified
At the end of the tournament,
if less than 5 games. ⇒ Exclude from rank
★Awarded the title "Brave Hawk" to the overall winner.
Awarded the title "Brave Eagle" to the U-R1749 winner.
(The highest winning-points player is the winner.)
If the tie is the same place.
Winners will be awarded titles and special avatars.
There is no extension of the competition period.
We may disqualify you if you receive a report of intentional breach of manners.Please be careful.
a deliberate or too different grade will be disqualified in the event that
Please feel safe and enjoy it until the end of the event.
ameasure concerning the points of a person who is disqualified during a competition>
A shogi player who was disqualified during the tournament will be regarded as a non-existent player and will be treated as a "no-war loser."
[In case you beat the disqualified person]
"1 additional point for 3 points on display +3 4) 4 total winning point"
Correct as .
[If you lost to a disqualified person]
I will revise it as "change the result of the match to non-fighting win."

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at