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Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: Bohemian (1252)
Co-organizer: silent_bystander (1437)
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Central Europe
Tournament period: 2020-11-20 06:00 ~ 2020-12-06 23:00 Ended
Game rule: Dobutsu shogi (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Bohemian (1252) 21
2 RockPhill33 (1139) 25
3 Keiko (1020) 8
4 Lukas1 (1530) 16
5 Laila (1116) 13
6 PlechovkaSan (1425) 7
7 silent_bystander (1437) 21
8 jirkabauma (1800) 22
9 Safrad (1040) 14
10 Koudy (1062) 13

Recent gamesSee all

2020-12-06RockPhill33 ○ - ● PlechovkaSanKifuGame
2020-12-05Safrad ○ - ● LailaKifuGame
2020-12-04Safrad ○ - ● KeikoKifuGame
2020-11-27Keiko ● - ○ jirkabaumaKifuGame
2020-11-26Laila ● - ○ PlechovkaSanKifuGame


Tradiční turnaj ve zvířátkovém - dobutsu shogi pro všechny české hráče tentokrát online. Kdo si vybojuje putovní trofej mistra v dobutsu letos?
Dobutsu tournament only for Czech and Slovak players.
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