アパガード杯・将棋キッズ団体戦 桂リーグ

All game records in the tournament

2020-11-29 11:25k5840● - ○cocona2kKifuGame
2020-11-29 11:21harukinguuu○ - ●TomiHaruKifuGame
2020-11-29 11:19ffamiff● - ○shogo0125KifuGame
2020-11-29 11:11harukinguuu● - ○ffamiffKifuGame
2020-11-29 11:02cocona2k● - ○ffamiffKifuGame
2020-11-29 11:01k5840● - ○shogo0125KifuGame
2020-11-29 10:52TomiHaru● - ○ffamiffKifuGame
2020-11-29 10:47shogo0125● - ○cocona2kKifuGame
2020-11-29 10:47harukinguuu○ - ●k5840KifuGame
2020-11-29 10:37TomiHaru● - ○shogo0125KifuGame
2020-11-29 10:36cocona2k● - ○harukinguuuKifuGame
2020-11-29 10:32k5840● - ○ffamiffKifuGame
2020-11-29 10:30harukinguuu● - ○shogo0125KifuGame
2020-11-29 10:30cocona2k○ - ●TomiHaruKifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at https://81dojo.com.