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第33回10秒将棋大会 11月18日19時から22時!!

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: kokolemon (2562) ☗0☗0☗0
Co-organizer: makki (1937) ☗6☗5☗2
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2020-11-18 19:00 ~ 2020-11-18 22:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (0 min + 10 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 kazzy_o (2664) 7
2 Jyouriku (2558) 9
3 ZXCVB69 (2042) 1
4 yukun2 (2108) 13
5 luckyriver (2130) 10
6 Kazu2527 (1800) 0
7 super_RYU (1756) 13
8 nezumichan00925 (1902) 0
9 seisyu (1450) 0
10 taipinguzuki (1548) 0
11 kokolemon (2562) 15
12 boudantyokki (1834) 8
13 maro (2308) 12

Recent gamesSee all

2020-11-18boudantyokki ● - ○ yukun2KifuGame
2020-11-18boudantyokki ● - ○ super_RYUKifuGame
2020-11-18super_RYU ○ - ● kazzy_oKifuGame
2020-11-18luckyriver ● - ○ boudantyokkiKifuGame
2020-11-18kazzy_o ● - ○ maroKifuGame


優勝1000 準優勝600d 3位300D 優勝者に10秒王準優勝者に準10秒王の称号授与!!

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