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FR qualif 1st FESA online rapid Cup

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: BlueKoala (1331)
Co-organizer: kire (1452) ☗1☗5☗3
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Central Europe
Tournament period: 2020-11-29 10:00 ~ 2020-11-29 20:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (10 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Tellmarch (2021) 162181
2 frenchbaguette (1820) 181708
3 christophew (1413) 121694
4 aki_no_yuugure (1650) 01661
5 KENAYU1 (2062) -121655
6 ETparty (1656) 121526
7 exil25 (1588) 01468
8 celestin (1583) 101434
9 Morius (2145) 121577 * 1377
10 DarumaGama (1555) 141321
11 nara10 (1864) 121232
12 neochapline (1207) -61216
13 EnzoIJ2009 (1185) 81147
14 TITREN (1134) 0635
15 kire (1452) 12Arbitrage

Recent gamesSee all

2020-11-29KENAYU1 ● - ○ DarumaGamaKifuGame
2020-11-29ETparty ○ - ● EnzoIJ2009KifuGame
2020-11-29frenchbaguette ○ - ● nara10KifuGame
2020-11-29christophew ○ - ● neochaplineKifuGame
2020-11-29celestin ● - ○ kireKifuGame


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Erik R. 0667725576

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