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9th term 81Ou League Class A

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Tournament Info

81Dojo Official Tournament
Tournament organizer: Oshiruko78 (1914) ☗11☗10☗4
Co-organizer: shumai2 (2079) ☗17☗8☗6
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: UTC
Tournament period: 2020-12-01 01:00 ~ 2021-02-15 23:30 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 ZXCVB69 (2042) -17th Demotion
2 marins (2142) 74th
3 kokolemon (2562) ----92nd
4 Jyouriku (2558) --13Challenger
5 koshon (2017) ---18th Demotion
6 nnaka7 (1764) 93rd
7 istdlk222 (1856) -45th Demotion
8 sunrise18 (2330) -36th Demotion

Recent gamesSee all

2021-02-12sunrise18 ○ - ● JyourikuKifuGame
2021-01-13istdlk222 ● - ○ kokolemonKifuGame
2020-12-30marins ○ - ● nnaka7KifuGame
2020-12-30marins ○ - ● istdlk222KifuGame
2020-12-27kokolemon ○ - ● marinsKifuGame


This tournament has a tournament system similar to that of the [meijin-sen] of professional shogi player's Official tournament.
Please read the tournament description below carefully before applying.

第九期 八一王戦専用トピック/9th term 81Ou League dedicated topics

順位戦参加資格/Ranking tournament Eligibility

[A級/Class A]
8th term Title loser, 8th term 2nd to 4th in class A, 8th term 1st to 4th in class B.

大会制度/Tournament system

【タイトル戦/Tittle match】
【タイトル戦/Tittle match】
  • 前期優勝者とA級順位戦優勝者で行います。
  • 三番勝負で優勝者を決めます。
  • It will be performed by the winners of the previous term and the winners of the Class A ranking tournament.
  • The winner is decided in the best-of-three.
【順位戦/Ranking tournament】
【A級/Class A】
  • 1位が八一王に挑戦します。
  • 2位~4位が『八猫帝』となります。
  • 5位以下はB級に降級します。
  • 1st is Challenger.
  • 2nd to 4th are 『8myoutei』.
  • 5th and lower will be downgraded to class B.
    • 【B級/Class B】
  • 1位~4位はA級に昇級します。19位以下はC級に降級となります。
  • 1位~4位が『八猫帝』となります。
  • 1st to 4th will be promoted to class A. 19th and lower will be demoted to class C.
  • 1st to 4th are 『8MYOUTEI』.
    • 【C級1組/Class C-1】
  • 1位〜7位はB級2組に昇級します。
  • 1位~3位が『三虎将』となります。
  • 1st to 7th will be promoted to class C.
  • 1st to 3rd are 『3KOSHOU』.
    • 【C級2組/Class C-2】
  • 1位〜7位はB級2組に昇級します。
  • 1位~3位が『三虎将』となります。
  • 1st to 7th will be promoted to class C.
  • 1st to 3rd are 『3KOSHOU』.

Dマイル賞与/Prize of D-miles

★★八一王 公式タイトル『八一王』授与、81Dojo様より1500Dマイルの賞与
☆☆タイトル戦敗者 公式タイトル『八猫帝』授与、650Dマイルの賞与
☆A級2位 公式タイトル『八猫帝』授与、420Dマイルの賞与
☆A級3位 公式タイトル『八猫帝』授与、210Dマイルの賞与
◉B級1位 公式タイトル『八猫帝』授与、480Dマイルの賞与
◉B級2位 公式タイトル『八猫帝』授与、300Dマイルの賞与
◉B級3位 公式タイトル『八猫帝』授与、150Dマイルの賞与
●C級1組1位 300Dマイルの賞与
●C級1組2位 200Dマイルの賞与
●C級1組3位 150Dマイルの賞与
●C級1組4位 100Dマイルの賞与
○C級2組1位 300Dマイルの賞与
○C級2組2位 200Dマイルの賞与
○C級2組3位 100Dマイルの賞与
★★81Ou :Awarded the official title 『81Ou』, and prize 1500D-miles (Presented by 81dojo).
☆☆Tittle match loser :Awarded the official title 『8myoutei』, and prize 650D-miles.
☆Class A 2nd :Awarded the official title 『8myoutei』, and prize 420D-miles.
☆Class A 3rd :Awarded the official title 『8myoutei』, and prize 210D-miles.
◉Class B 1st :Awarded the official title 『8myoutei』, and prize 480D-miles.
◉Class B 2nd :Awarded the official title 『8myoutei』, and prize 300D-miles.
◉Class B 3rd :Awarded the official title 『8myoutei』, and prize 150D-miles.
●Class C-1 1st :Prize 300D-miles.
●Class C-1 2nd :Prize 200D-miles.
●Class C-1 3rd :Prize 150D-miles.
●Class C-1 4th :Prize 100D-miles.
○Class C-2 1st :Prize 300D-miles.
○Class C-2 2nd :Prize 200D-miles.
○Class C-2 3rd :Prize 100D-miles.

過去八一王/List of past 81Ou

  • 第1期/1st Tellmarch
  • 第2期/2nd Oneye
  • 第3期/3rd Tellmarch
  • 第4期/4th Karthum
  • 第5期/5th Karthum
  • 第6期/6th GreenMoverMax5100
  • 第7期/7th tomycar
  • 第8期/8th tomycar

大会規定/tournament regulations

The following tournament regulations shall apply to all participants without exception.


If you violate 81Dojo Terms, such as multi-account participation, notify your administrator.
If participants are allocated by rating, they may be deemed to have performed a rating manipulation if the ratings between the beginning and the duration of the event differ significantly from those specified. If so, disqualification will be taken as described below.

指し直し規定 / Replay rules

  • 千日手の対局
  • 不可抗力における接続切れ、回線不良が原因で終局した対局
  • 先約があったにも関わらず誤って対局を行い、投了した対局
  • その他、主催者の独断による裁定
In principle, do not accept requests for Replay.
However, if the game to be requested for Replay is as follows, Replay will be accepted only when both parties agree.
  • The game that became sennichite
  • A game that ended due to connection loss due to force majeure or bad line
  • Despite having a prior agreement with another user, he or she mistakenly played a game
  • Other decisions made by the organizer

順位規定 / Ranking rules

  • 失格ユーザーの順位は無効とし、次回参加時は新規参加者と同じ扱いとする。
  • 参加棄権の申し出のあった参加者は、該当期の対局を全て敗戦として処理し、順位を計算する。その場合、対戦表からは参加履歴を消去する。ただし、一局でも大会対局を行ってから参加棄権を申し出た場合、未対局の対局の敗戦処理は行わずに順位を計算する。
  • 順位を保持している者に、参加申し込みが無かった場合、成績最下位として処理する。
  • 八一王の申し込みがなかった場合、タイトル戦敗戦と同じ扱いとする。
In principle, the ranking will be decided in descending order of points.
If the points are the same, in principle, they will be decided in descending order of ranking in the previous term.
If the rankings of the previous term are the same, the rankings will be determined in the order of direct game winner> more wins> more games> lower rating at the end of the tournament.
  • The rank of disqualified users will be invalid and will be treated the same as new participants at the next participation.
  • Participants who make an offer for [abandon of entry] process all games in the corresponding term as defeat and calculate the ranking.In that case, the participation record is deleted from the battle table. However, if you play a tournament at least once and then do offers [abandon of entry], it will calculate the ranking without defeating the games that have not participated.
  • If there is no application for participation to those who hold the ranking, it will be processed as the lowest grade.
  • If 81Ou did not enter, it would be treated as if he had lost the title.

失格規定 / Disqualification rules

  • 厳重注意を、同一大会内で2度以上受ける
  • ”Oshiruko78の見解” に規定する不正行為等を行った場合。なお、その場合の失格処分内容は ”Oshiruko78の見解” に準ずる
    • 厳重注意に該当する行為
  • 両者合意の対局予定日時から15分遅刻
  • 暴言などの不適切な発言を行った場合
  • 一方的に自己の都合を押し通すなどの高圧的な行為
  • 主催者の指示に従わない場合
  • その他、主催者による独断
The following persons will be disqualified.
  • Receive "strict attention" more than once in the same tournament
  • If you commit any misconduct as prescribed in "Oshiruko78's view". In addition, the content of disqualification in that case follows the “Oshiruko78's view”.
<Oshiruko78's view>
Those who have been disqualified will cancel all awards for whatever reason. However, all decisions will be made by the organizer.
    • Acts that fall under "strict attention"
  • Both parties agreed, 15 minutes late from the scheduled game time
  • When making inappropriate statements such as abusive words
  • A high-pressure act, such as unilaterally pushing a personal convenience
  • If you do not follow the instructions of the organizer
  • Other decisions made by the organizer

不戦勝敗、不戦引き分け規定/ Bye, Undefeated and draw of no-war rules

  • 両者合意の対局予定時刻から15分の遅刻(対局があった場合は無効)
  • タイトル戦での、対局消化期日を超えた際の裁定
  • 問題ユーザーの、厳重注意の対象局
  • 失格ユーザーが未対局であった対戦
  • 対局時のトラブルにより、対局者から依頼があった場合(ただし、応じられない場合あり)
  • その他、主催者の独断による裁定
The ruling will be made only in the following cases.
  • 15 minutes or more late from the scheduled game time agreed by both parties (invalid if there is a game)
  • The decision to go beyond the deadline for the title match
  • The target game of "strict attention" issued to the participant with the problem
  • The unplayed game of the disqualified participant
  • When there is a request from player for reasons of trouble during game (however, it may not be possible)
  • Other decisions made by the organizer

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at