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New Year Shogi Event(SF Shogi Club X Fiery Shogi Club)

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: Peter_Diao (1698) ☗6☗6☗12
Co-organizer: SFShogi1 (1809) ☗3☗2☗8
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: China
Tournament period: 2021-01-03 06:00 ~ 2021-01-04 00:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (10 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 Peter_Diao (1698) 16
2 InternJo (1473) 1
3 tsuigyoku (1756) 1
4 SFShogi1 (1809) 13
5 UNKILLED (2117) 4
6 eating (2112) 11
7 2033391318 (1561) 2
8 SFnshimo (1859) 0
9 echonatsu (1336) 2
10 wmaynard (1841) 6
11 ny1001 (1136) 0
12 Zixian3553 (1349) 5
13 mhh (1324) 3
14 Tianhao (1686) 8
15 Metadox (1425) 3
16 deathw997 (973) 0
17 Yshogi_H (1640) 5
18 TSHOGI_Y (1416) 3
19 destinX1991 (1605) 10
20 Hydralisk (1707) 15
21 shiyanfei (1250) 0
22 xiao_en (1860) 6
23 Lokume (1800) 0
24 Yuichi2077 (1181) 10
25 Latios (1250) 0
26 mqp (1312) 4
27 Matthias (1550) 0
28 sixteenknives (1810) 8

Recent gamesSee all

2021-01-03Hydralisk ○ - ● Yuichi2077KifuGame
2021-01-03Hydralisk ● - ○ xiao_enKifuGame
2021-01-03mhh ● - ○ HydraliskKifuGame
2021-01-03xiao_en ○ - ● tsuigyokuKifuGame
2021-01-03Zixian3553 ● - ○ TianhaoKifuGame


New Year Shogi Event(SF Shogi Club X Fiery Shogi Club)

  • This event is organized by the San Francisco Shogi Club(U.S.A) and Fiery Shogi Club(China PR).
  • The main purpose of the event is to let players from different countries play friendly matches freely with each other and say happy New Year from the other side of the earth.
  • Please pay attention that you need to be a member of one of the clubs in order to participate in this event.
  • Due to the inconvenience of time zone differences. Players from SF can play first, Chinese players would join later and last for longer.
  • 此次新年活动由旧金山将棋俱乐部(美国)和炎将棋交流会(中国)联合举办。
  • 活动的主旨是让来自不同国家的将棋爱好者们随心所欲的交流对弈,并向地球背面的选手们道一声新年快乐。
  • 请注意,您必须是以上任一俱乐部中的一员才能参加此次比赛!
  • 由于时差的缘故,旧金山将棋俱乐部的选手们可以先进行比赛,来自中国的选手会随后加入并在晚些收尾.
  • 今回の新年イベントはサンフランシスコ将棋クラブ(米国)と炎将棋交流会(中国)が共同で開催します。
  • イベントの主旨は、さまざまな国の将棋ファンたちがご自由に交流して対局し、地球の裏側の棋士たちに新年のあいさつをすることです。
  • このイベントに参加するには、上記のクラブのいずれかのメンバーである必要があります。
  • 時差があるため、サンフランシスコ将棋クラブの棋士たちはご遠慮なく、お先に試合をしてください。中国の棋士たちは後ほどに参加するあとで終了します。


  • You need to be a member of San Francisco Shogi Club(U.S.A) OR Fiery Shogi Club(China PR)
  • When you are sending an application
    • For Members of SF Shogi Club: please send your Full name
    • For Members of Fiery Shogi Club: please send your QQ group ID and your qq# (如果您是炎将战交流会的选手,请在申请时附上您的群昵称及QQ号)
  • Time Period:
    • 1/2 14:00 - 1/3 8:00 (PST)
    • 1/3 6:00 - 1/3 24:00 (Beijing)
    • 1/2 22:00 - 1/3 16:00 (UTC)
  • No cheat, be nice, keep silent while watching games,and set friendship before the competition.
If you get any Question:
-We reserve the right of final explanation.

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