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Practice Match:15-60

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: Jownash (1424) ☗4☗8☗3
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2021-03-01 00:00 ~ 2021-03-31 00:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Non-rated (15 min + 60 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 kokolemon (2562) --15
2 Jyouriku (2558) 61
3 mowgiw (2121) -52
4 Lusitano (2082) -18
5 Jeen (2049) -0
6 Chouwa (2157) -!4
7 makoharu33r (2115) -0
8 kambuy (1809) --19
9 Kazu2527 (1800) -4
10 hbayer (1740) 35
11 yudai522 (1735) 0
12 dai1966 (1814) 7
13 peterwwc (1737) 0
14 Endai_habata (1902) 6
15 fugasuki (1818) 4
16 tnkakt0510 (1589) 4
17 LilyLionmane (1818) -13
18 tetoris123 (1723) -20
19 skykeeper (1728) 3
20 Teru_Nishiki (1740) 46
21 dan_1234 (1960) -2
22 TaroUrashima (1686) 20
23 DICKBRAZIL (1488) 19
24 tomomon23 (1552) 0
25 TUFSGE (1574) --15
26 Jownash (1424) -31Organizer of this tournament
27 smileteacher (1677) -4
28 trithom (1470) -------39
29 kasshy2 (1791) -10
30 Poma0503 (1450) 0
31 Gerarduv (1596) -21
32 mura3264 (1650) 20
33 Adython (1350) 0
34 psk_haru (1665) 7
35 B3rs3rk (1739) --14
36 Rinaru (1768) 25
37 DuduRyuuouBR (1772) -----4
38 Qrul (1296) 0
39 im12yearsold (1295) -2
40 Wittgenstein_L (1555) ----7
41 SugimotoJoe (1169) --2
42 Tokyopeach (1548) --------22
43 everett85 (1154) 17
44 Dusk_is_Coming (1020) -!-------0
45 CharlesPrieto (961) 4
46 Splnter75 (1190) 0
47 kagurilla47 (1184) 3
48 Shota16 (904) 1
49 HFRedX (856) 4

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2021-03-30DICKBRAZIL ● - ○ TaroUrashimaKifuGame
2021-03-30everett85 ● - ○ DICKBRAZILKifuGame
2021-03-29dai1966 ● - ○ JyourikuKifuGame
2021-03-29Jyouriku ○ - ● fugasukiKifuGame
2021-03-28kambuy ● - ○ JyourikuKifuGame



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