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30秒将棋最強戦 有段戦

Tournament Info

Tournament organizer: icecream (2324) ☗0☗0☗0
Tournament format:  Round-robin
Displayed time zone: Japan
Tournament period: 2017-08-01 13:00 ~ 2017-12-31 23:00 Ended
Game rule: Even game, Rated (0 min + 30 sec)
Game room host plays: Sente or gote (random)
URL to this tournament:
Diagram embed tag: <iframe src="">


1 kurogi3 (1590) ---0
2 sakuyakonohana (2201) ----4大関
3 poppou (1576) ---0
4 icecream (2324) ----!-------!21横綱
5 Carbunculus (1813) --13
6 Saikyo3179 (1719) !-!1
7 lemontea1990 (1979) ---0
8 tomiel (2273) --22大関
9 shaka13 (864) !-2
10 Linkuei (2027) ---0
11 geoger (1902) 24
12 kuroki (1200) --5
13 Naru24 (1590) ---0
14 hatoyaman (1943) ---3
15 neopopper (1572) --9
16 massa81 (1928) ---2
17 jei (1040) ---0
18 elfen_lied (1876) --12
19 ukyou3 (1950) ----!-------------3
20 ohta_5394 (1650) ----0
21 casiopea (2056) ---!--------------11
22 ykksuzuran (2015) --0大関
23 mamefugu (2200) -10
24 tomok55 (1727) 2
25 RISING_FORCE (2187) 3横綱
26 komekome (1837) !16
27 LeeJaeWoo (1803) 5
28 StopsJeep (1616) 6
29 Amoruso (1876) 3
30 osarukun (2234) 26横綱
31 mizomizo (2241) 30横綱
32 siameses (2380) 0
33 marikonoheya (2454) 6
34 nqrse (2000) 0
35 ponanz2017 (1968) 1

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2017-10-17komekome ● - ○ mizomizoKifuGame
2017-10-17osarukun ○ - ● StopsJeepKifuGame



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