World Shogi League 2016, Division B

All game records in the tournament

2016-12-31 15:55Hassan525● - ○ImosujiKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-12-31 16:00)
2016-12-28 14:00baduljen● - ○akira81KifuGame(Appointed: 2016-12-28 14:00)
2016-12-26 20:12piplup○ - ●Hassan525KifuGame
2016-12-20 19:59Kupo○ - ●niccarKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-12-20 20:00)
2016-12-17 15:59kenayu○ - ●sfwcKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-12-10 19:00)
2016-12-17 15:03sfwc○ - ●JagPredatorKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-12-12 13:00)
2016-12-16 16:00AndreaDrago○ - ●piplupKifuGame
2016-12-04 13:01Kupo○ - ●futokinKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-12-04 13:00)
2016-11-29 21:35larzzus● - ○CrasmusDKKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-11-29 20:00)
2016-11-26 15:23sfwc● - ○akira81KifuGame
2016-11-25 12:59zavi● - ○tomoakiKifuGame
2016-11-24 19:03Imosuji○ - ●baduljenKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-11-24 19:00)
2016-11-18 17:27kenayu○ - ●zaviKifuGame
2016-11-09 12:55anzaxy● - ○KupoKifuGame
2016-11-02 19:33AndreaDrago● - ○staflyKifuGame
2016-11-02 19:33AndreaDrago● - ○staflyKifuGame
2016-10-30 12:21akira81● - ○piplupKifuGame
2016-10-29 16:02kenayu○ - ●niccarKifuGame
2016-10-28 19:00zavi○ - ●anDyKifuGame
2016-10-23 15:20christhoper● - ○kambuyKifuGame
2016-10-18 16:45niccar● - ○christhoperKifuGame
2016-10-16 18:50AndreaDrago● - ○RembrandtKifuGame
2016-10-13 17:58kenayu○ - ●okiKifuGame
2016-10-01 11:56royuji● - ○baduljenKifuGame
2016-10-01 11:26peterheine○ - ●kambuyKifuGame
2016-09-28 18:54Rembrandt● - ○staflyKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-09-28 19:00)
2016-09-26 07:01iolam● - ○KupoKifuGame
2016-09-25 12:29christhoper● - ○futokinKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-09-25 12:00)
2016-09-24 18:55christhoper● - ○KupoKifuGame
2016-09-23 18:58stafly○ - ●anDyKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-09-23 19:00)
2016-09-22 17:53BaseQ● - ○kenayuKifuGame
2016-09-21 16:58BaseQ● - ○piplupKifuGame
2016-09-17 13:00CPM● - ○tomoakiKifuGame
2016-08-06 18:32unjashfan○ - ●stevencKifuGame
2016-07-31 12:56AndreaDrago● - ○tomoakiKifuGame
2016-07-25 12:55anzaxy● - ○bozzicKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-07-25 13:00)
2016-07-24 13:01akira81○ - ●niccarKifuGame
2016-07-18 06:59bozzic● - ○iolamKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-07-18 08:00)
2016-07-17 18:00unjashfan○ - ●futokinKifuGame
2016-07-12 15:53niccar○ - ●BaseQKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-07-12 16:00)
2016-07-11 19:02peterheine○ - ●bozzicKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-07-11 20:00)
2016-07-09 18:00kenayu○ - ●baduljenKifuGame
2016-07-09 18:00stafly○ - ●CrasmusDKKifuGame
2016-06-26 12:58tomoaki○ - ●larzzusKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-06-26 15:00)
2016-06-19 19:03royuji○ - ●JagPredatorKifuGame
2016-06-19 13:20anzaxy● - ○stevencKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-06-19 14:00)
2016-06-19 12:59JagPredator● - ○akira81KifuGame(Appointed: 2016-06-19 13:00)
2016-06-17 21:54stevenc● - ○kambuyKifuGame
2016-06-12 17:05zavi○ - ●baduljenKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-06-12 17:00)
2016-06-11 19:00zavi● - ○sfwcKifuGame
2016-06-05 19:04Kupo● - ○peterheineKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-06-05 19:00)
2016-06-05 13:40anzaxy● - ○christhoperKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-06-05 13:30)
2016-06-03 15:00oki○ - ●BaseQKifuGame
2016-05-27 14:01oki○ - ●akira81KifuGame
2016-05-27 09:14iolam○ - ●christhoperKifuGame
2016-05-26 18:15christhoper● - ○peterheineKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-05-26 18:00)
2016-05-26 18:13oki● - ○baduljenKifuGame
2016-05-23 19:00Kupo● - ○unjashfanKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-05-23 19:00)
2016-05-21 19:42CPM● - ○staflyKifuGame
2016-04-29 19:02baduljen○ - ●jaconKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-04-29 19:00)
2016-04-23 18:01kenayu○ - ●JagPredatorKifuGame
2016-04-19 19:04niccar● - ○sfwcKifuGame
2016-04-16 20:58AndreaDrago● - ○CPMKifuGame
2016-04-16 17:02stevenc● - ○futokinKifuGame
2016-04-15 21:52unjashfan○ - ●bozzicKifuGame
2016-03-27 14:46akira81● - ○royujiKifuGame
2016-03-27 13:23kambuy○ - ●anzaxyKifuGame
2016-03-20 20:31stafly○ - ●sunwolfKifuGame
2016-02-11 13:05anzaxy○ - ●iolamKifuGame
2016-02-05 13:59akira81○ - ●BaseQKifuGame
2016-02-05 12:58anDy● - ○tomoakiKifuGame
2016-01-24 12:51stafly○ - ●tomoakiKifuGame
2016-01-18 13:27peterheine● - ○iolamKifuGame
2016-01-17 16:59BaseQ● - ○baduljenKifuGame(Appointed: 2016-01-17 17:00)
2016-01-16 13:00kenayu● - ○akira81KifuGame
2016-01-16 12:59anzaxy○ - ●futokinKifuGame

This is 81Dojo's web system for account and data management. The entrance to the shogi app can be found in the main site at